Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Up and Running (Sort Of)

I have a new computer to replace the one fried by lightning! So now I will be able to receive your emails. Unfortunately, I lost the address book for my email when the old computer died. I am slowly trying to recreate the address book so that I can send out reminders for Round Table meetings, etc. If anyone out there reads this blog and would like to assist me in getting back in communication, please send an email to me at so that I will be able to put your email address in my address book. The other sad news is that the new computer will not be able to run the software for the community channel. The community channel will be off the air until we get another computer set up to handle that task. I hope you will be patient while we recover from the lightning damage. Speaking of lightning damage recovery, we have had the telephone and gate openers at the South gate repaired and the pool has been reopened. That's progress!